Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mitt Romney isn't the Hope and Change you're hoping the change will bring


What's the over/under on how long before the Tea Party types feel about Romney precisely how Democrats feel about Obama.  March 2013?

Since Romney is headed to a landslide of epic proportions, I at least have the advantage that I am very unlikely to be disappointed.  My expectations for a Romney Administration are exceedingly low.  So low, in fact, that they very well might be exceeded.

Somehow I don't think that a lot of Tea Party types will be equally impressed.


  1. Romney looks a lot better than four more years of Obama without the next-election brake on his enthusiasms, with at least two Supreme Court appointeees, K. Sibelius filling in the "secretary shall..." blanks in Obamacare....

    I'll take a chance on a dissatisfied tea party.

  2. Try reading Ann Barnhardt's blogs on finance. She makes the point that no matter who gets in all they can do is rearrange the deck chairs of the USA Titanic. The Dems just promise total destruction earlier than the GOP.
    Financial armageddon still awaits no one with half way decent maths skills can not fail to see the debt burden and governmental obligations ahve reached the point of no return without drastic measures being. These are political suicide so they will never happen. If America reneges on it national debt then it takes the whole world financial system down with it and money everywhere becomes worthless.

  3. My Predictions:

    Obamacare will not be repealed in any meaningful way.

    If Romney appoints any SC Judges they'll be RINO squishes.

    No significant foreign policy changes.

    No significant domestic policy changes.

    The stage dressing will change but the play will be the same.

    What will change:

    The MSM will suddenly start caring about the price of gas again.

    The MSM will suddenly start caring about the body count in Afghanistan again.

    The MSM will suddenly start caring about corruption in government again.

    The MSM will suddenly start caring about the unemployment rate and "Romney's Recession".

  4. Ask an average Democrat, and he'll tell you Obama's better than Bush was and better than McCain would have been, but not nearly as good as they wish he'd be.

    Over/under? Swap in Obama and/or Hillary for Bush and McCain, and that's how I feel about Mitt Romney _today_. Still gonna vote for him, though. I choose the least bad of the available options.

  5. All Romney does is - potentially - buy time. Romney may, at best, stop the hemorrhaging. Beyond that, don't expect much.

    The real issue is who will be a potential candidate in 2016.

    I've said it before and I still say it: 2012 is the last election cycle for the Republican party as we know it, because:
    1) it will be replaced by a truly conservative American-based party
    2) American conservatives will have assumed control of the Republican party
    3) Obama will have won in 2012 and we're only a few years away from civil war.

  6. In case you missed it the Dems are going to start off the DNC with a two hour muslim prayer session by two ra-dical im-mams who want to replace the constitution with shar-ia law and establish a cali-phate. You can't make this stuff up...oh and they denied the catholic priests request to do likewise.

  7. " If Romney appoints any SC Judges they'll be RINO squishes."

    Or we could have Obama appoint a couple more Kagans or Wise Latinas. I know which choice I'd make.

    I said this here last year: it's like complaining, a fraction of a second after the brakes are applied to a speeding bus, that you're still on a speeding bus.

  8. Well, at least I'll have some time to complete my "prepping".

  9. Has anyone anywhere ever said that Mittens was the reincarnation of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson? I did not think so.

    We are faced with a choice between bad and worse. But that is still a choice. I would vote for Mussolini if he was running against Hitler. In fact, I would feel an obligation to vote for Mussolini if he were running against Hitler. And so I have an obligation to vote for Romney. Anything less would be to say that I have totally given up on America. I am not ready to "go gentle into that good night."

    Will I be disappointed when he proposes more statist crap. No. I won't like it, but I expect it. I expect worse under Obama.

  10. No matter what happens in the election, we are guaranteed to have a president from a liberal state that is Pro-Gun Control and Pro-Socialized Healthcare.

    We are just arguing if we want Rye Bread or Sourdough for that Poop Sandwich.

  11. Whoa, Romney wins by a landslide?

    Quite a prediction!

    At this point I'd flip a coin myself, but I'm no expert.

  12. Olave, yes it will be a landslide. A couple months back I predicted a narrow victory for Romney, but the gap has been widening. I think I need to update that post.

    But Romney will certainly get 300 electoral votes, and could very well get more.

  13. It's not that Romney will reverse what Obama's put in motion. But at least Obama's push for 'fundamental change' will be sidelined. Things may slow down a bit. Buy a little time.


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