Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A fully printable, working .22 caliber pistol

The WikiWeapon Project is working on a downloadable CAD design that will let anyone print a working, single shot .22 pistol:
This project could very well change the way we think about gun control and consumption. How do governments behave if they must one day operate on the assumption that any and every citizen has near instant access to a firearm through the Internet? Let's find out.


1. The Soviet Union sent people to the Gulag for possession of unlicensed mimeograph machines.  It didn't help save their bumbling, corrupt, evil regime.

2. Gun crime won't change one whit when this was widely deployed.

3. TOR and CryptoCat are your friends.

Freedom is by its very nature, Open Source.  Personally, I find rich irony in seeing how people who back in the day thought themselves to be True Revolutionaries are horrified when they see something truly revolutionary.  I'm not sure that I'd every want to shoot one, but the idea that I could if I really needed to.



  1. I like your last comment.
    Maybe we should call the the "Liberator, MKII"!

  2. They are now printing AR15 lowers. 'They,' being some dude at

  3. This project assumes ammunition will still be available when it's needed, but it's a step in the right direction.

    Now somebody needs to develop a gunpowder equivalent that can be made from something common, like cooking oil.

  4. It all sounds wonderful to the 2nd Amendment supporter and gun enthusiast that is me. Yet, to the cynic that is also me, it sounds like a scam for them to get other people's money (I refer to the repeated references to "funding").

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  5. Why .22 and not a more substantial caliber? I'd much rather have a .45 - a single shot .22 is just going to annoy people.

  6. Does it work against zombies?

  7. I always thought that, at least for concealed carry, it's better to have a gun that doesn't print!


  8. Didn't we have these already. I remember making a "Zip Gun" out a piece of 2X4 and car antenna when I was a kid

  9. "Personally, I find rich irony in seeing how people who back in the day thought themselves to be True Revolutionaries are horrified when they see something truly revolutionary."

    Yup! And truth be told, they were simply regurgitating a century old dogma and not really agitating for anything new.


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