Friday, July 20, 2012

Pardon me while I say ...

... is there a reason that Windows 7 hides all the APPDATA directories?  They're about to refresh my OS because Windows keeps losing its mind (it's rockin' when the explorer.exe process gets 2 GB of RAM).  I spent a half hour looking for my bookmarks and all that to make sure it was going to get backed up.

If Microsoft didn't treat me like I was a child - and if they didn't keep changing how Windows works every 18 months (go and look at what's in Control Panel, and compare it to XP) - this would have taken 45 seconds.

I must say that this is why old Unix neck beards roll their eyes at Windows: it's a trifecta of fail:

OS processes mysteriously lose their minds?  Check.

Files and menus moved around and changed every release for no reason?  Check.

Developers assume that I'm an idiot and hide my files from me?  Check.

What a sucking chest wound of fail, right there.


  1. I was gonna say, "I feel your pain." but I don't.

    Like the cleaning lady said, "I don't do windows."

  2. "Files and menus moved around and changed every release for no reason? Check. Developers assume that I'm an idiot and hide my files from me? Check."

    Just wait 'till you get a load of Windows 8.

  3. Hey, don't look at me, Alan. The Finest IT minds in the entire company picked this.

    Jake, but it will be THE MOST SECURE WINDOWS EVER!!!


  4. the only way I managed was the export bookmark options. . . and I keep all my important book marks on and Google Bookmarks anyway to be sure. . .

    Windows - because Bill knows what you need you don't. . . .

  5. I'll give MS a bit of credit for the admirable work they've done in the last couple of years to improve the security of their core OS. Some of their improvements have actually improved things that used to be huge and chronic security problems.

    But I still refuse to use a product that begins its existence with the assumption that I am a moron.

  6. Windows isn't made for people who understand how computers work. It's made for clueless users and the IT people who have to support them. (Like the guy who discovered his receptionist's MS-DOS boot floppy had both COMMAND.COM and COMMAND.BAK. That's why your system files are invisible in Windows now, so you don't edit them with Wordstar.)

  7. So you've been installing non approved software on your machine tsk tsk tsk.
    Do a system restore then suck up to your local network guys to reapprove your machine on the network as it will stop working if you go back a week. It worked for me when windows 7 started to slow down to a crawl. Well assuming you have admin rights to your machine that is.

  8. I forgot turn off the Search feature in Windows 7 it's a hog.

  9. Ed, LOL

    I wonder if there's a Clippy the Office Assistant for that?

  10. Lol @ Ed

    I've suggested almost that exact thing to a few Windows users. I really cannot comprehend why people pay MS for the privilege of having their intelligence insulted. Linux has come a long way.......

  11. I agree with Jake - Windoze 8 is optimised for a mentally retarded 4 year old working on a tablet ...

    It is deeply, deeply so unprofessional that Linux/Ubuntu will be the de facto O/S for people with enough brains to come in out of the rain ...

    Phil B


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