Friday, July 13, 2012


Going to the movies with the family.  In the meantime, it was an interesting interaction with the waitress at the after work beer with The Guys meet up.  Of course, the topic eventually turned to guns and shooting, and was going hot and heavy when she brought the beers.  We did the whole "Don't mind us" thing, and her reply was gold:

No problem.  I have an AK-47, and one of those M things - M4?  And a Luger.  My Uncle gave that one to me.

Seems that her ex husband used to beat her.  When she found out that she was pregnant, she decided that this wasn't a good environment for children and other living things.  She got her papers, threw the bum out, got her some boomsticks, and is working (even as a cocktail waitress) to support her toddler.

We all left her a good tip.  We'll be back, and if she's still working there, we'll leave a good tip again.


  1. Well done! Hell, take her shooting!!!

  2. I've been known to be fiercely loyal to a waiter/waitress who were like that, doing their best to make their way in the world and not expecting any handouts or sympathy, yet not backing down from anything. Awesome!

  3. There is never any excuse to hit a woman so she was right to walk away and as he is clearly a violent man armed herself just in case. Glad you tipped her well, most wait staff get treated like dirt by a lot of the public.

  4. It is absolutely amazing what great service my husband and I get because we 1) tip well, and 2) treat the waitstaff like human beings.

    We get secret seats (without reservations) on busy nights, even at hard-to-reserve restaurants. Our service is always excellent, even at places which are 'known' for bad service. Even greeters and matre-d's will ask how things are, and mean it. Weird requests and side orders and other oddities are not burdens but challenges to excellence. Even the busboys will say 'hi' and give you a heads up if the tables need a little 'extra something'. I don't exaggerate one iota. Small courtesies make a huge difference, and not just from a feel-good altruistic sense.

    Also, she's in a great profession to see the true colors of her next beau (should she decide she wants one). Even guys who work hard to hide the inner donkey chute will often reveal their true colors at how they treat the waitstaff. One gets extra points to observe how he/she handles a botched order, or the extra %15 for a large party. A certain type best to be avoided can't resist being unpleasant to those who *must* be nice to them, or has some convenient philosophy to justify skimping on or avoiding tips entirely.


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