Tuesday, June 19, 2012

On blogger burnout

I'm coming up on my fourth blogiversary next week, and have been feeling for six months or more that I may be burning out.  After a while, you've said what you have to say.  I mean, just how much more can you say about Global Warming?

And then something hits, and I do another post about it.  Huh.

Maybe I just need another topic to delve into, to freshen things up some.  Any suggestions?


  1. The rise of Killer Robots! Zombies are not real! Killer Robots are already here!

    Hang on, someones knocking at the door...

  2. Yeah - I seem to be posting again after quitting a month or two back.

    Some people call all of this an echo chamber. I still enjoy other people's posts, though.

  3. "I mean, just how much more can you say about Global Warming?"

    Thing is, this stuff doesn't just need to be said, it needs to be repeated, and by as many voices as possible. On this topic, the left seems to be hunkering down in hopes that the storm will pass, and afterwards they can get back to work trying to get cap and trade implemented. The cockroaches have scurried away from the light, and are now waiting for the light to grow bored and move onto other things. It's a good strategy - the internets have a long memory, but a short attention span.

    The climate change hoax is merely one of the current fronts of the ongoing battle of liberty vs. tyranny. With the near total support of the press, every funding-hungry international socialist anthill and the slavering fellatio given to Al Gore's BS-fest, they thought they had this wrapped up with a neat little bow in 2004. You and several others have cost them more blood than they ever thought would be necessary to take this ground.

    Now continue to deny it to them! Drive them from the field, then pursue them to their hovels and burn them to the ground. Then follow them to their caves and smoke them out! Let there be no rest nor safe haven for them!

  4. It's not the posts, it's the communication in comments.
    Anyhow Dinosaur Climate and Zombie Volcanos is Science, and so is Teh Techno Securitronz and Flying Robot Killers.

  5. I lucked out initially and thought of 4 goals. Ended up being a broad topic mine that are generally related. Shooting, 2A stuff, hunting/survivalism, zombies. I hit one of those items every day. Sometime I also inject a bonus 'other' unrelated to the theme for fun.

    Sounds like yours is the same but replace zombies with Computer Security and Glowball Warmening. Rich veins, that.

    Go shooting more, now that you are settling geographically a bit. Buy more boomsticks. Get a $100 Savage bolt action .22. Trick it out a bit.

  6. As a wise man recently commented on my own decision to blog far less frequently, "It's a hobby. Write when you feel like it, and go do something else the rest of the time."

    Pretty good advice.

  7. "Get a $100 Savage bolt action .22. Trick it out a bit."


    Get a CZ452 while NIBs are still available. The damn things fire homing bullets!!

  8. I'm with Rev. Paul. It's your blog, so write what you want, when you feel like it. I like your mix of topics so I'll keep coming back to see if there's something new even if it doesn't happen every day. One blog I follow has gone three months between posts, but I consider the blogger a friend and when she does write, it's always interesting.

    When I let a year go by between posts on my blog I figured it was time to pull the plug. But that blog was on a pretty specific topic which had run its course. I just didn't see it at the time.

  9. There's a gazillion subjects out there for one that has time and interest. For instance, we are celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812. What got us into severe trouble with that war? Jefferson had gutted the military even though the British were still making incursions from Canada. Comparisons, contrasts.

  10. How did you ever get the idea that all you post about is global warming?

    You're doing fine. Keep it up. This is my favorite blog on the internets since Travis's blog shut down after he shot his mouth off. The miscellany posts are as good as anything.

    If all you did was find interesting posts over at Isegoria and posted your opinion and your take on them, I'd still come here.

  11. Monster trucks. I want to see more of them.

  12. Just put a cheap digital camera in your pocket and wander wide eyed into the world. You are already accustomed to not taking things at face value, and there is an endless supply of interesting things out there for those who are willing to squint, tip their head slightly to one side and say, "huh, look at that!".

    You may swipe any and all ideas you find anywhere, including mine. I am considering a minor league ball park road trip...big old slice of Americana there.


  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Or you could blog about the funny spam you get in comments.

    Like water filters that "removes radiation"

  15. Do what ever strikes your fancy... Always interesting, and yes the comments sometimes DO make the post really interesting! :-)

  16. i'm still wating for my very own Robot Joe Biden.

  17. The effect of global warming on zombies?

  18. I might have missed it, but I think periodic ruminations on books would be interesting. Fahrenheit 451 might be a start. Albert jay nock's Our Enemy the State was also good. Road to Serfdom. Other readers might have other suggestions. Worst case, you get to read some great books, best case, you re-energize yourself and your many readers

  19. Critter, wait - you mean that Joe Biden is NOT a robot? Wow.

    Anonymous, that's an interesting suggestion - I was thinking earlier today of pulling a random book off the shelf and posting about it. But it seems like rather a lot of work.

  20. Watch this and see if it inspires anything:


  21. Porn.

    Always piques my interest.

  22. I say blog about whatever the hell strikes your fancy; it's your soapbox, so you should blog in a way that pleases you. There will always be some of us who will find it interesting, no matter what it is.

  23. You and Peter at Bayourenaissanceman both are expressing concern about your writing and burnout. Yes, the serious topics can become stale or mundane if that's all one writes about, but you don't. Write about stuff that interests you and those with similar interests will visit.
    Though as someone responding to Peter said "more monster trucks and zombies" can't hurt!


Remember your manners when you post. Anonymous comments are not allowed because of the plague of spam comments.