Monday, June 25, 2012

Four years of blogging

Four years ago, I put up my first post.  It wasn't very good, but I put up better ones, and within a couple months had found my blogging voice.  Posts from September and October 2008 sound remarkably like posts today.

When I started blogging, I had no idea what to expect.  Somewhat arrogantly, I wanted to get a million hits in the first four years.  Well, that didn't happen.  It's not the hits.  It's not even being "the Mighty Borepatch" (I giggle when people call me that).  I didn't understand what the real rewards of blogging are. 

I do now.  Almost 200 of you have me in your RSS feed.  You've collectively left almost 20,000 comments here (!).  But more importantly, you have been there to share the good times and the griefs over the last four years.

Most recently, I found myself nearly a thousand miles from my family for a year, but I wasn't alone in that little apartment in Austin.  You guys kept stopping by, even when I didn't offer you so much as a beer.  And I don't even think I've said "thanks".

I don't think I have the words to say what this has meant to me.

And this is the realization I've had, on blogger burnout.  It's said "I do this for me, not for you", but I'm not sure that's right for me.  I think I'm a little better at answering comments than I used to be, although not as good as you deserve.  I shall try better, because this is what I've found the rewarding part of blogging.

I've met a bunch of you, and hopefully will meet a bunch more.  Because it's finding other people who are good company.  People who you can learn all sorts of things from (shooting and reloading for starts; thanks Mark).  People who share the good times and the bad, who come back even after the goofy dispatches from Planet Borepatch.

I'm grateful, more than I know how say.

Of course, that didn't stop me from putting up a thousand words.  This is the Mighty (wordy) Borepatch, after all.


  1. 4 years of Teh Awesome!

    Kudos, sir.


  2. I owe you a thanks for the posts you made. Some very personal ones in particular. Thank you for sharing.

    Very glad to read that you find rewards in blogging.

  3. Well done, and congratulations.

  4. I am mighty proud of you, blogson.

    Here's to another four years of quality Borepatch!

  5. I go through blogs like Tom Cruise goes through wives, but yours is one of the very few (like, five) I've visited daily for a year. I expect to continue that for as long as you keep writing. I came for the guns, but stayed for everything else.

    Besides, you made a post out of one of my comments. That's the Internet equivalent of feeding a stray cat.

  6. Four years is amazing! Love coming here,

  7. Congratulations Borepatch!!

    You are a daily read as always.


  8. It's the friends/contacts I've made through the blog that have kept me going past the four-year mark, even when not posting as often.


  10. I am proud to say that I am one of the 200 who subscribes to your feed. I have enjoyed your scribblings over the past few years, and look forward to more.

  11. Thanks guys. I think it's pretty ironic how after all the whining I've been doing over blogger burnout, I have about 4000 words of posts going up today.


  12. congrats.....that is how long in human years?

  13. Happy Blogoversary, Buddy!


  14. Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary BP. It was a happy day when I came across you.

  15. Where else can one read such a wide variety of subjects so well written and presented? It is always a pleasure to read your blog, keep up the good work and many thanks!

  16. Congrats! As close as we live to each other (relatively speaking) hopefully one day we'll have the chance to meet up, maybe to drool over some garands in Anniston.

  17. RobertM, that would be cool. Or maybe do an Appleseed shoot.

  18. Congratulations!! I'm one of your RSS subscribers and will continue to be. Your posts on the issues with the "science" behind climate change/global warming have been an eye opener.

  19. Congratulations

    Wishing you many more years

  20. Congratulations

    Wishing you many more years

  21. It's been our pleasure Borepatch... keep it up...

    Dann in Ohio

  22. Congratulations on your Blogiversary Borepatch!

  23. You are Number 4 on my daily reading list after Brigid, Tam, and RobertaX. I ask the question every morning..," I wonder what Borp has to say today" I'm enjoying your wordy-ness tremendously. Thanks. Please do continue.
    Rich in NC

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I do need to get to an Appleseed and GA is probably my best bet.


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