Monday, May 28, 2012

A note to the gas grill designer ...

... who thought it would be a stylin' idea to change the nozzles on the venturi tubes from round to oval:

Fortunately, since the nozzles are removable, I scavenged the old one.  Rocket engine thrust is now nominal.  That's two ticked off the Honey Do list.  Since I'm taking the week off, maybe I can clear the whole list.


  1. Yeah, good luck with that. Honey do items behave like a gas in a closed vessel. The more there are in the vessel, the more slowly new ones have to be introduced. If you evacuate the vessel, new ones practically materialize out of thin air.

  2. Dave, I look on it as a super saturated solution. Finishing one item is a shock to equilibrium, and so participates more tasks out of solution.


  3. I believe you're right. I've had several disappear from the list shortly after I got started on the first one. I stand corrected.

    But that solution won't stay depleted for long.

  4. So, what do you put on the list for her?

  5. That is one of my all time fave lolcats :)


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