Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We never took the kids to the battlefields when we lived in Georgia previously. #2 Son was 4, and the Children's Museum kept his attention. Now he's interested in tactics, and so it was a fun day crawling the fields at Chickamauga. We have a summer of other day trips to do now.

Gas is $3.12 a gallon in Dalton. Wow.

The BBQ Shack just outside the entrance to the battlefield is insanely inexpensive. $3.50 for #2 Son's jumbo pulled pork sandwich. Decently good food no matter what, but the deal of the century considering the price.

My camera's "panorama" mode is pretty cool for photographing battlefields. I'll post one tomorrow, but I expect I will do this on all our battlefield trips.


  1. It is a really sad, sad thing when the first thing that catches my eye from such a wonderful trip post is $3.12 a gallon gas.
    Of course, you kinda highlighted it...
    Family and good times make food taste all that much better. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the BBQ. After all, I know you've been to Lockhart.
    50 or 60 words and no pics. You are such a tease BP.

  2. What kx59 said about the price of gas; it's $4.49 here. I'm looking forward to your panoramic photos, though.

  3. We just crept back under the $4 mark here. I'd love to see under $3 again.

  4. When I was doing some extended training in Chattanooga I used to fill everytime I ventured south of the Georgia state line. The price differential was astounding.

  5. Welcome to North Georgia, hope you enjoy your stay. Chickamauga battlefield is an amazing place. Some of the areas of the battlefield are quiet, almost cathedral in their immense solemnity and quiet. Even the birds dare not make a sound.



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