Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Old* Guard Blogger dies, but never surrenders misses the blogshoot!

The recent Dallas area blogshoot was epic, and I have proof.  From Camp Borepatch in Roswell, GA to Chez Smallest Minority in Tuscon, AZ is 2,800 km plus change.  That's how far people traveled for the event.

That takes you from Paris to Moscow. Unlike Napoleon, we didn't lose most of the people and guns.  Or any of them, actually.

So there - that's the power of the Second Amendment.

* "Old" clearly doesn't refer to Kevin and me any more than "Napoleonic".  Srlsy.  And get offa my lawn ...


  1. So there - that's the power of the Second Amendment.

    And a kick-ass Interstate Highway system.

  2. What's with the kilometers? ;-) If Napoleon had a Buick Delta 88 convertible with a trunk-full of guns and drove that GA to AZ route, he would have been much cooler.

  3. Our Flatwater Open Charity Sporting Clays shoot regularly draws folks from Texas, Canada, and Honolulu (4515 miles) to lovely Syracuse, NE.

    Much fun!!

    John Bernard Books

  4. So there - that's the power of the Liberty.

    There, my version

    People free to travel, to associate, to have fun, to exchange political views -- I want the whole ball of wax, not just a part.

  5. Y'all didn't walk from Paris to Moscow and stay through the winter. That's the power of good roads and the internal combustion engine.

  6. You guys are harshing my mellow. I thought my "butt of iron" 14 hour drive trumped a weenie - march through the snow for 8 weeks thing.


  7. Borepatch,

    I'll give you props for the drive. Heck, I was ready to stretch my legs after driving an hour to get home.

    I'm sure you might have even had to manually adjust your seat a couple of times; was it the lumbar support or the height adjustment?


    And having to constantly adjust the radio to find new stations; wow, that had to be rough.

  8. Man you guys are harsh. We were all very very polite when we were all heavily armed. What's that saying about good fences and good neighbors, or the one about how God didn't make men equal?
    YOU,in the back there, simmer down, I'm joking.
    Oh, yeah. BP, you didn't have the enemy sniping at you relentlessly for 900 miles either.

  9. Oh, yeah. BP, you didn't have the enemy sniping at you relentlessly for 900 miles either.

    That's because BP's counter-battery fire would have been overwhelmingly superior!

  10. It was epic.
    I posted a handful of pictures on my Facebook wall of all the guns from the event. I've had a number of comments from others to the tune of, "What country/continent are y'all planning on taking over?"
    If they only knew. I'm sure between the lot of us (U.S. Citizen especially, as well as Kevin), there literally was enough gunny goodness there to relieve several "people's republics" of their immediate leadership.
    The bayonet charge alone would have been enough to disarm the entire country of France.

  11. I really wish I could have made it. I was still wiped out from the trip to St Louis the previous weekend, but I hope you'll honor me with another invite next time, and I'll do my best to come. All best to you.


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