Sunday, April 29, 2012

Honey Do

Almost unloaded now.  This whole experience builds strong bodies seven ways.

Looking around, I realize that I no longer have an excuse for putting off the list of things I've been putting off:

Replace gas burner on grill.

Get new speakers for Home Theater (stupidly left in the wall at Chez Borepatch).  Get it set up, and run speaker wire to screened porch and maybe living room.

Get replacement capacitors for @#$% big screen TV which isn't TVing any more.  It's been a while since I've done serious soldering, but did a lot back at State U.  And besides, the caps will cost a couple bucks and a Saturday afternoon doesn't cost anything.  A new big screen costs enough to hurt.  I can heartily recommend that you do not buy a Mitsubishi TV, ever.

Check for mold in the ceiling of #1 Son's closet, now that it's dried out.  Treat the wood (I'm thinking Killz), patch dry wall and paint.

Fix waterfall in back yard.

I'm sure that my better half will find something to add to this list.


  1. Yeah - but isn't it nice to be there to HAVE that list?

    Welcome home.

  2. We pulled off the back of a Big-screen about 2 years ago, re-soldered the capacitors. Not my favorite. Didn't solve the problem either...which is less fun. Bet: Better Mitsubishi than some company that went out of business around the same time you bought the TV, and so barely has support at all.

  3. Same for big Samsung TVs, too. Had to replace the power board on mine a few months ago after two years of ownership. Some things are not as dependable as FALs.

  4. Don't bothering resoldering them....REPLACE them.
    Mouser and DigiKey should have them in stock,so after you take the board out, make up a list and order new ones.
    Try and get 85C* or better, and your problem should go away fro a long time.

  5. drjim, that's what I meant to say. Brain not braining well today ...

  6. I know the feeling quite well!

  7. Welcome home! ... and it's pretty funny that you left speakers in the wall :)

  8. "Get replacement capacitors for @#$% big screen TV which isn't TVing any more."

    Hah! Just did the same with my Philips Ambilight. Mine were 3300uF at 10V on a 9V line. Good practice is 30% higher in the voltage department so I replaced with 3300uF 16V (and 105 C).

    Probably way more technomumble than anyone cares for... Welcome home!!


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