Saturday, March 17, 2012

The greatest year in music

I'm not sure that 1966 was the best ever, but I'm not sure it wasn't.  Offered  for your consideration, some of the year's songs.

Cass always had the talent.  Michelle was just there as eye candy.

Love the clothes.

Man, they had a bunch of hits from that album.

I'd argue that this was a down year for The Beatles.  Yowzer.

All of these are significant recordings, almost all of which grace the "Top Songs of Rock And Roll" lists.  There were a ton of others that never make the list, but which are iconic in their own way.  Here are some personal favorites.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I used to be able to play this on the guitar.

That's just fun, right there.

And this one is for 2cents, who was in my second grade class that year.  Back when he was cute and I had hair.

And I always liked this song, and the Cathedral itself.  It's worth visiting, if you get the chance.


  1. Royal Guardsmen were Florida boys. I used to listen to Snoopy in the game room at the Sheraton in Ormond Beach, back when I was young, blond, and slim. When my mom would take photographs of us back in those days (with a Polaroid Land Camera), I had a special "lifeguard pose" I affected.

  2. The world will never see a musical revolution like the 1960s again, which is a great shame.

    I can't hear "Paint It Black" without thinking of the unfortunately-short-lived TV series "Tour of Duty," for which it was the theme song.

    (Wretched lip-syncing on that video, by the by.)

    Oh, and of all the songs by the Beatles, "Eleanor Rigby" is probably the one I hate the most, because it's so depressing.

    However, good picks on the others. Especially "Secret Agent Man."

  3. You are correct, 1966 was the year in Rock/Pop. Right before all the psychedelic silliness hit.

  4. Lotta good memories there.
    Actually, I liked a lot of the psychedelic stuff.

  5. Well, Bob G was already here; he does this all the time.

    I'll tell you what, though... all these tunes want me to roll a jbar & go sit on the curb.

    And y'know what? I wish I was young enough again to do both.


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