Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dallas Area Blogshoot - April

OK, I must confess to being an idiot for scheduling the blogshoot over Easter Weekend (!). *Facepalm*

That dog won't hunt.  And so, I'd like to propose the weekend of 14/15 April (Tax Day/Guy A Gun Day) or 22/23 April.  Please leave comments on which day works better.

Here's the list of the folks who have expressed an interest :

U.S. Citizen
Dwight Brown
Southern Belle and Kx59
Bill in Austin
Shepherd K
That Guy
Bob S
Cap'n Jan
John Farrier
Pat St. John
Mark (from Corpus Christi)
An Ordinary American
Mark Smith
Texas Sean

Potential attendees:

Kevin Baker

As a reminder, U.S. Citizen has kindly offered to host the shoot at his gun club (location here).

Also: I'd like to propose that the Texas gunbloggers engage in a charity event.  Everyone who can, please bring a pre-ban (pre-1994) AR-15 magazine.  Everyone who brings one will get a lottery pick - I'll bring a prize (not sure what, but likely silly).  We'll crate the magazines up and send them to JayG for distribution at the New England gunblog this summer, for our shooty brothers and sisters trapped behind enemy lines. ONLY pre-ban magazines will work, unfortunately - Mitt Romney's stupid Assault Weapons Ban makes newer ones illegal in the People's Soviet of Massachusetts.*

* Yes, my lovely bride keeps telling me that they don't have a proper Soviet in Massachusetts.  I keep replying that they have an improper Soviet there.


  1. I would be better available on the April 14/15 then the 21st/22nd.

    We have our club's Annual Youth day (If you can make it up for that,come on out and watch kids have fun).

    My wife, She Who Lets Me Make Her Coffee Every Morning, might attend also.

  2. Now that is downright neighborly of you, thanks!

    April 14/15 is the NRA convention in St. Louis, FWIW...

  3. The 15th is Easter for us on the Orthodox side of Christianity. My vote's for the 22nd.

  4. The 14/15th is out for me--traveling.


  5. The 22nd would probably better

  6. I will be happy with whatever date we set up.

    Just want to see old friends again and meet new ones.

  7. Well, April's right out for me...I'm using up my monthly allotment of tolerance from the Mrs by going to the LaRue TX Multigun match at BOTW the weekend of the 21-23.

    Ya'll have fun now!

  8. Good idea for the charity event. I'm in. As far as the date goes, my default setting is 'what is time to a dog?'. I may be fashionably late, but I'll be there.

  9. Ugh, both of these dates fall into the time we are out of state. If it is down to these two weekends, I won't be able to make it which sucks because it would be my first blog-shoot and it sounds like it's going to be an awesome one.

  10. I am available on either one of the Sundays. Saturday's are booked for church.

  11. Well, I would of course prefer to meet the talented and well spoken of Mrs. Borepatch. But whichever date is decided on, Kx and I will be there... with Bells on ;)

    I plan on trying (if i can get a decent mobile hotspot connection) to do a little live blogging that day, which should be fun.


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