Friday, January 13, 2012

I missed one

The Independence Day Quiz.  I didn't know which of the Presidents they showed was the one who was born in Texas.  Kind of obscure, though.

All in all, it's not hard for someone who grew up in my day and age.  We learned most of this in school.  Sadly, that no longer seems to be the case.

The Republicans are drooling idiots if they cannot run candidates at all levels - local state, and national - on a platform that says schools that cannot or will not teach should be shut down.  That says schools that cannot or will not teach this American history - who we are, where we came from, and why we are who we are - those schools should be shut down, too.

This will be wildly popular, except with the Intellectual Elite and the public sector unions.  If the GOP isn't willing to pick a very public fight with groups held in such deep contempt by the vast majority of this country, well, then they really are the Stupid Party.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Same question I missed. It is really obscure.

    And I gradumacated in '96.

  3. You say... "I didn't know which of the Presidents they showed was the one who was born in Texas."

    Not if you're a Texan. Or alive (and sentiebnt) during that time.

    But you're a young 'un.

    I missed one too. Mine was more obvious, however ;-> I misread the 2nd question, by ignoring the second phrase and answered 'all'. Sheesh.

    Thanks! It was fun.

  4. Seems like I've taken this before, but it may have been a similar one. Homeschool Monday and posted.

  5. Missed 2...born in TX (thought Ike was MO), liquor sales amendment (say what? I need to read the later Amendments again).

  6. I missed the same one as you, and knew I didn't know the answer when I read the question.

  7. Me, too ASM826. I knew that I didn't know but knew that not picking one gave me a zero percent chance of success.

  8. Missed two. I also flubbed the Texas question, which was dumb because I know where Reagan and Bush were born, and as soon as I clicked Nixon, remembered he's a California son.

    And I missed the "proposed but never ratified one." I couldn't decide between two and six, and guessed. Wrong.

  9. Eisenhower was born in Denison, Texas, which is dangerously close to Oklahoma...

    I missed one.

  10. I KNEW Eisenhower was born in TX!
    And still got it wrong.
    Juat color me DUHmer than DUHm.
    I also got the Amenedments wrong- the years seemed really wrong and I chose the-yup- wronger one.
    Which means I also got the other Amendment wrong since I was fubbergasted by the first.
    I need'a get edimifyed.

  11. EGADS! I need'a find SpelChek here, too! (but I can get the WV right? ugh, it's gonna be a bad day, I can feel it now. :( )

  12. Missed the Eisenhower and liquor sales questions. Now I know.

  13. Blah - missed 5. I need to study my amendments a bit more.


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