Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Your Philosopher Kings in action, Act the Third

Man, that Aretae is one wicked smaht bastid.  Riffing on a must-read post by Sonic Charmer, he brings teh smart:
Financial firms necessarily always outwit regulators because of the OODA loop. Regulations take time to craft. Financial direction changes don't.
But hey, at least a bunch of lefty Ivy League grads get some great, high paying jobs as regulators!  Winning!


  1. Riffing? Is this like some sort of libertarian jam session?

  2. I'm a little slow. I'm sensing a theme here?

  3. Excellent linkage and thoughts.

    Someone famously said, "The government does two things well: nothing and over-react". I will add a third: they also choose the wrong thing to do pretty darned well, too.

  4. It's so easy to get inside their OODA loop and Tuller 'em, especially with a regulator/lobbyist who has some inside bait - they can't resist the bait because it makes them feel all *trader-smart* instead of duped and stupid which is what they really are.

  5. Libertarian Jam would be a cool name for a jazz ensemble. Or for fruit preserves.


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