Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Hollywood is dieing

Video games are becoming much more intricate.  #2 Son's favorite video game was Oblivion, which he played for months.  Skyrim - the sequel is coming out on Friday (expect him to sit up with a six pack of Monster starting Friday night).

There are serious actors doing the voices - actors like Christopher Plummer.

Not much of a gamer, myself (the original Civilization convinced me that seeing the sun rise through the office window because you were gaming all night is, err, sub-optimal for me).  But this industry has become something very interesting indeed.


  1. Just. One. More. Turn.

    The original Civilization was diabolical.

  2. My two favorite (newish age) computer games are Fallout 3 and Minecraft (both of which are great because of how open ended they are). Fallout has the benefit of an interesting and well built universe, and Minecraft has the benefit of having absolutely no storyline but letting your imagination take over. Interesting to get a similar sandbox effect while having pretty much nothing in common with each other.

  3. Oh god, Civ's horrid, talk about "one more turn" till sunrise is right!

  4. I'm not much of a gamer but I really started taking notice when the sales of these games were rivaling the ticket sales of "block buster" movies.

  5. Two liter jug of ginger ale? Check.
    Bags o' pretzels? Check
    Three day weekend? Double check.

    Roll those die and let the gaming begin.

    I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I discovered Steel Panthers ... a digital form of PanzerBlitz!! Keep your joy sticks.
    If it doesn't have a diesel engine and pack at least a 75mm gun it's not gaming.

  6. Ohhhh man, that moment of horror when you notice it is 4 am after a night of Civ (it was Civ II for me) is a special moment in a gamer's life.

  7. Civilization: Call To Power is perhaps the only game ever released that runs natively on Linux. I got it in 1996, and it was almost as addictive as the original.

    Extra crazy 31337 geekdom, right there.


  8. I stopped playing games with Duke Nukem ...

    After that I became addicted to code, like Ethereal and another ...


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