Saturday, August 27, 2011

Compare and Contrast

The 500 Word essay is due Monday first thing, Progressives.


  1. The apple don't fall far from the tree either...

  2. Says it all better than words ever could!

  3. Cute comparison, BP. But look how they ended up. Rick Perry as an inarticulate hayseed dumbass. "George W. Bush without the intelligence or ethics," as I recall some guy from Texas described him. Meanwhile Obama got an education, made something of himself and is now the leader of the free world, and is making a real attempt to clean up the mess the previous "fighter pilot" president made during his two disastrous administrations. Did Perry also get his daddy to put him at the front of the line for the Air National Guard so he wouldn't get drafted? Just wondering.

    I can't wait to see Perry vs Obama. Do you think Perry will debate him? Oh my. Obama will mop the floor with him.

  4. Anonymous, it was being cute.

    However, the whole "Perry is a dumbass" thing (and "Bush was a dumbass" thing) is drivel of a really shockingly low caliber.

    If you want to come back with specifics, that would be very welcome. But I'm afraid I'm not so impressed about a Harvard Law Review president who didn't write any articles, or publish any papers as a Law Professor.

    As to Perry vs. Obama, it will be interesting to see if Obama brings a Teleprompter to the debate.

  5. BP, thanks. I suspect he'll get by ok without a teleprompter. He seemed to manage quite well against Mr McCain as I recall (remind me again who won?). Against Perry, my guess is he won't need to do much himself; Perry seems to be able to make himself look like an idiot pretty well on his own, just by opening his mouth (Bernanke the treasonous was a nice little peek at what's to come). Much as did little Bush. The fact that people in TX voted for this tool (along with his predecessor), is amazing.
    Specific accomplishments? I can certainly list quite a few, but I'll point out two: 1) he got Bin Laden, and George Herbert Walker's little boy (you know him, Mr. "Mission Accomplished") somehow wasn't able to do that in 8 years. 2) He can speak English. Another skill that seems to have eluded both Bush and Perry.

    BP, I enjoy your blog (my name is Pete and I'm obviously a flaming liberal [who hunts, shoots, fishes, etc...]; I'll figure out how to log into this at some point)

  6. Pete, thanks for stopping by.

    I expect that there are a bunch of criticisms of Perry that have some real staying power: he may be an opportunist, he may be perfectly happy to make all sorts of promises he has no intention of keeping, etc.

    Being "dumb" isn't high up on that list, though. Or if he is, being dumb doesn't seem to have hurt Joe Biden. ;-)

    Doesn't really look to me like he's dumber (or smarter) than your typical politician.


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