Friday, July 22, 2011

The weather forecast ...

... is hot.

With increasing Big Hair ...


  1. I think it's nice that he brought along all those nuns to help him with the video.

  2. WoFat, it's classy all the way through ...

  3. I mean, Bill Murray only does classy stuff.

  4. Borepatch,

    Not a comment a request...I dropped my droid n the sink and would like to know what what you would recommend to minimize damage. I've removed the battery and left the cover off. Is there anything else that I should do? Thanks.

  5. Becky,

    +5 on taking the battery out. Electricity and wet electronics are a good way to let the Magic Smoke out.

    I would leave it someplace warm for a while - days at least, maybe a week. On top of the dryer is good, outside in the heat is good unless it's humid (not sure where you live; here in Atlanta it's too humid but in Austin I would).

    I'd leave the battery cover off - the easier it is for the moisture to get out, the better.

    We had a PS2 that got water poured into it (don't ask). After a week, it worked again.

    But I'd give it longer than I thought it needed. Hope this helps.

  6. Borepatch,

    Thanks so much, I will let you know how it turns out.

  7. Fabulous video! Hey Bustah!
    I love his comment in the beginning about "Heavy Mental Bands"
    All time favorite wedding reception request!


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