Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dumb stuff I think people think

Sonic Charmer brings his patented brand of smart (not, of course, Smart) to the Intellectual Left.  OK, here's mine.
  • Simply parroting an Approved™ set of ideas actually makes you a member of the Ruling Class.
  • People who think they can run their lives for themselves - without the "help" of Harvard Men - are toothless cousin marrying racists.
  • Scientists hiding their data and source code is totally Normal™, and only objected to by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy™.  Since they're all toothless, cousin marrying racists anyway, the very objection to the refusal to release code and data justifies the refusal to release code and data, and all Right Thinking People accept this as a matter of course.
RTWT.  If I were actually smart (not to be confused with Smart), I would have written his post.  Worth your time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm missing a few teeth teeth, but I'm not a racist. My wife would have been mortified to know she was my cousin, however.

  3. Thanks for your advice on drying out my droid. It is fully functional. No sign of damage at all.


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