Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's the key to happiness?

Being left the heck alone by "Happiness Researchers":

THE secret to lasting happiness is being left alone by people who think your mood is any of their business, it has emerged.

As Action for Happiness, a mass movement to improve general wellbeing, unveiled its list of 10 steps to contentment, researchers stressed that everyone would absolutely hate it and them.

Professor Henry Brubaker, of the Institute for Studies, said: "It includes things like 'giving', 'relating' and 'exercising'. It says we should 'appreciate' local wildlife, set 'goals' for ourselves, learn 'a language'.

"It does seem that they may have mistaken us for a bunch of fucking Blue Peter presenters. 'Yeah, let's all be really active, engaged, socially aware citizens'.

"Piss off, you freaks."
Probably SFW, but terribly rude.  And terribly funny.


  1. Some of the ads look really intriguing too, although I think one is a spoof. I mean, really, an HP computer for less than $400?

  2. Happiness is a choice---I choose to be happy in spite of the rampant idiocy among those elected and employed as "public servants" who have allowed their idiocy to infect Our Nation with rampant fraud and corruption...driven solely by their need to feed the "special interests" of the financial and corporate elitists.

  3. that made me raugh!
    In my experience,it is true. Nothing will make you more unhappy than someone meddling in your life.

  4. To crush your enemies.

    To see them driven before you.

    And to hear the lamentation of de women...

  5. Time wasting at The Daily Mash. I have done much of it since this post went up.


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