Thursday, April 14, 2011

Now we need sharks with lasers

Blogbrother PISSED emails this, which explains rather a lot, really:
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A ship-based laser tested by the Navy's research arm could put the heat on Somali pirates.

The Navy for the first time last week successfully tested a solid-state high-energy laser from a ship. The beam, which was aimed at a boat moving through turbulent Pacific Ocean waters, set the target's engine on fire.

The Office of Naval Research says the laser traveled over "miles, not yards." For now, the test is a proof of concept, and it's not yet known when it might be deployed as a weapon.

The baseball-sized laser beam, though, could be used to stop small crafts from approaching naval ships. It could also target pirates.
Helpful Borepatch tip: this is why you want your firearm finish in stainless steel, rather than parkerized.  Reflects the frickin' "laser" beam back ....


  1. With those specs, you know it's being used for a lot more than shooting pirates.

  2. Well - go to your nearest trophy shop and see a laser in action. Cutting lettering into highly polished aluminum, steel, and brass. Or more slowly, piercing those metals.

    And those are only 15 to 100 Watt C02 and YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) lasers. A 1500 Watt laser will cut half inch stainless at about the same rate as a water jet. A 5KW laser will do the same for two inch stainless.

    From observation - make mine rust blue.


  3. The only downside is the gunner screaming "EAT PHOTONS, SUCKER!" just doesn't have the same impact.

  4. really? we need a multi-million dollar laser to repel Somali Pirates armed with AKs and RPGs?

    We have a proven weapons system commonly know as a minigun that will turn their little boat into a collander in a 3 second burst.

    I can already see the glitch in the computer aided targeting system:
    404 Laser Not Found.

  5. Don't lase me, bro!

  6. HaHaHaHa, now that's funny!...


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