Sunday, March 20, 2011

The right to keep and bear Canon

I was looking at garden statues (don't ask), and in the maze of twisty Intarw3bz passages, I stumbled across this:

It's a Model 1841 12 pounder.  Want.

Alas, it's quite spendy, so it's unlikely that one of these will grace Camp Borepatch anytime soon.  Still, I quite like Mr. Steen's attitude:

OPEN Most days about 9 or 10 Occasionally as early as 7, But SOMEDAYS as late as 12 or 1

WE CLOSE about 5:30 or 6 Occasionally about 4 or 5, But Sometimes as late as 11 or 12

SOMEDAYS and afternoons, we aren't here at all and Lately I've been here just about all the time, except when I'm someplace else. It is always best to call first before you come.


  1. Liking both attitude AND the lawn ornament. Love to have it. That, or a trebuchet.... maybe both.

  2. Absolutely, would be lots of fun. You could name it Goml.

  3. That's a good lawn ornament, set up a yard gnome poised to light it off and another regiment of yard gnomes advancing on it, in line fo fire.

  4. When you say "The Right To Keep And Bear Canon", do you mean collected volumes of literature, or Japanese cameras?

    Either way, that's more of a First Amendment issue than a Second Amendment one...


    (Sorry, saw the typo and had to go there. :D )

  5. Alternatively, I'm dense and missed a pun... ;)

  6. @Tam:

    'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'

    'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many different things.'

    'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's all.'

    Me, I'll rely on the (ahem) canon to back me up here, not the cannon. ;-)

  7. @Brigid: Death to the Travelocity gnome oppressors! ;-)

  8. Now _that_ Canon is a PowerShot!

  9. So, does this go along with the graphic on the right hand bar about getting of your lawn?

    I can just see Borepatch standing there with a match in hand saying, "Alright you damn kids, get off my lawn!"

  10. That'd sure take care of those annoying skateboarders in the street.

    Plus you could perform a community service by firing it every evening at dusk when it's time to lower the flag. How could your neighbors not appreciate that? And even if they don't, what are they gonna do about it? You'd have a cannon.

  11. Joe, heh.

    Murphy's Law, I must confess that I did think of the scene in Mary Poppins where the Admiral fired off the evening salute ...

  12. You might just like these...


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