Friday, March 4, 2011

The fracture

It's happening.

This country has become great by absorbing huge numbers of immigrants.  We have a proven system - we know that we can do it.  But we all know that the system only works if immigrants assimilate.

We keep hearing that we "should be more like Europe".  Especially France.  Keep your eye on this.  There are a lot of intellectuals here who scoff at assimilation, and a whole lot of "activists" who gain political power if immigrants don't.

An ancient Chinese curse goes, may you live in interesting times.  It's getting interesting.

Via Vanderleun.


  1. On the one hand we see these things like the expansion of Constitutional carry, which makes me more hopeful, sometimes. But then we run into things with these clashing cultures, and people who come to the US and never even try to learn a word of English. There's a definite "Two Country" syndrome going on, and it will indeed be interesting...

  2. I think the French are just excited they have someone to surrender to again.

  3. When the wars in France and Britain come, I will volunteer. There is a long history of Americans volunteering to fight European wars, and I will join in the tradition.

  4. In the last year, the leaders of first Germany, then France, then the UK all said multiculturalism is dead. Assimilation is the only hope.

    Does the EU survive? Is there still an EU by 2015? My bet is no.

  5. The great American melting pot requires melting. If one part doesn't melt and assimilate then you have a big chunk in the pot that tastes bad and ruins the meal.

    Multiculturalism is divisiveness. Man is a social creature. That means we run in packs. Packs are tribes. We are tribal. Culture is the tribe. Skin color means nothing, it is only skin deep after all. But culture is down to the core and manifests itself down to the basics of everyday life.

    Tribes don't live together separately. They either merge into one or they fight till there is only one.

  6. History is quite clear that non-European countries will fight long and bloody battles for generations to be less like Europe. Not just the US, but all over Africa, Asia, and South America.


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