Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to get linked by the New York Times

Do a post full of insight about Life, The Universe, and Everything?  Nah, toss up a picture (from someone else, no less!) with geeky Linux humor, and get a couple extra thousand hits.

I'm pretty sure that burning smell is coming from my Sitemeter counter,  I'll pro'lly have to get the bearings repacked now.

Seriously, it seems to be the goofy stuff that attracts all the attention.  Al Gore's Intarw3bz sure seems a silly place.


  1. Congratulations.

    And damn. . I just went for gratuitous bacon shots.

  2. I don't know if I should congratulate you or mutter "New York Times, that poor sot" under my breath.

  3. Borepatch FTW!

    Awesome. Jus' plain awesome.


  4. Bluesun, now you know where their layers of editors and fact-checkers start their day ... ;-)

  5. Grats! I wonder, though, what the NYT readers will think when they visit your blog and read the usual content? Will their widdle heads expwode?

  6. Heh. Good job, BP. (I wonder if the NYT knows you're one of those, um, you know, other people?)

  7. Dad, you're welcome. :D

    You're lucky I don't update my blog anymore.


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