Monday, November 8, 2010

Will White Women ever elect a Republican Woman?

Via Sonic Charmer, Whiskey says no:
But one thing is certain from the poor performance of Christine O'Donnell, Linda McMahon, Sharon Angle, Meg Whitman, and Carly Fiorina. White women don't like Republican women much. To go beyond Congressional districts, and achieve state-wide and national victory, Republicans must understand how White women vote (Latino and Black women vote the way men of those ethnicities vote -- Democratic). For most White women, economic issues take (even now) backstage to status anxiety. And they have a large animus toward certain candidates. Handsome, family men like Marco Rubio or Scott Brown are the success models. Particularly Rubio, who has the advantage with White women of not being White. And yes, Joy Behar matters. Republicans to retake the White House, and Senate, and undo Obama's damage, and restart the economy, must at all costs, "go hunk." And avoid female candidates.

Behar matters, because millions of "Nice, White Ladies" (ala Sandra Bullock's character in "the Blind Side", phrase credited to Steve Sailer, follow her every utterance. ...

For such women, Joy Behar and her fellow harpies on the View offer a guideline to who is in and who is out. It is like High School, that never ends.
I sure hope he's wrong on this.  It would be depressing beyond words to think that the majority of adult white women are essentially unthinking teeny boppers when it comes to politics.


  1. Sadly, I think he's right. A lot of women that I know seem to resent women like Palin, O'Donnell, even Linda McMahon. It's never about their politics, but about them being "dumb blondes" or something similar.

    White women will elect a Republican, but not a woman Republican. At least for now. Which is why despite his myriad flaws, Mitt Romney polls well.

  2. I think the Political Class who behave like an endless High School *OMG-OMG* are dependent on him and this way of TV-driven thinking.
    We have seen plenty of non-Model men elected too, and not just through political connivance or there would be no Nixon Library, and nothing above explains the hot-redhead that munchkin micro-dweeb Kucinich married.
    Many of the good-lookers also were Democrats and utter failures. John Lindsay of NYC, and many more. I wouldn't want to follow that route.

  3. By and large, on the average, and other qualifying cliches, I also believe this to be the case. I know quite a few conservative women (I'm a libertarian; my lovely wife is a reluctant-to-soil-her-hands-with-politics Republican), and nearly all of them are quite dismissive of any female Republican candidate. At least the coversations I have overheard. It *does* seem rather cliquish, and more like middle school than high school.

  4. Unfortunately, women follow each other. Like fashion, voting is dependent on what someone says is "in".

    Plus, women don't really like other women who are strong and could be seen (if only in their own minds) as a rival.

    Sadly, most women never really get over their high school cattiness. They just refine it and learn to veil it better.

    While there are exceptions to this, for most ladies it is just a matter of degree.

  5. Mr. B hit that to the fence.
    All of the women I have discussed politics with don't like powerfull women.
    They hate Pelosi, Sarah, Hills, anyone thats a threat.
    They want that 'comfort' factor. "Protect me, tell me I'll be safe, I will support you".
    Reagan anyone?

  6. Sure. The majority of adult white men are essentially unthinking adolescents when it comes to politics. Why would women be any different?

    Also: O'Donnell is widely understood to be a fruitcake, McMahon violated a principle that is a leg of the neocon platform (illicit drugs) and challenged a popular elected official, and Carly Fiorina ruined a company.

  7. Fascinating remarks but you're wrong on Carly Fiorina. "In 2000, Fiorina proposed the acquisition of computer-services business EDS, but withdrew the bid after the proposal received a poor reception from HP shareholders.[28] While Fiorina's 2000 bid to acquire EDS was abandoned, HP did go on to purchase the company in 2008....In 2002, in the wake of the bursting of the Tech Bubble, Fiorina spearheaded a controversial merger with Compaq, a leading competitor in the industry. Fiorina fought for the merger, and it was implemented despite strong opposition from board member Walter Hewlett." She was proven to be right.

    I'm not sure you can blame the loss on WRW, or maybe the cause is woman of a certain age who feel left behind? I blogged about this anti-women phenomenon but I see it as the media's game but your perspective makes me want to revisit the issue. Is it because republican women are religious, and defer to their husbands?


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