Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sitemeter seems messed up

It's reporting no traffic over the last 90 minutes.  Blogger shows a more or less normal traffic pattern.

Anyone else seeing this?


  1. My Sitemeter is fine, but I've experienced similar issues with them before. Send them an email, they'll probably tell you that it's the server you're on.

    Good news - they don't lose the hit counts for your daily totals, but the hourly reports will be messed up.

  2. I can't tell- no traffic in 90' is not uncommon @ my place- heh.

    BTW, I stole your quote, with accreditation of course.

    wv: "vocath"- some folks are going to need to find a new "vocath"ion after today.

  3. Mine seems to be working. Not that I get a whole lot of traffic, but it seems to be showing up.

  4. I wonder if I can get a negative traffic meter, kinda like a participation trophy? ;-)

  5. Hey doubletrouble, yours is showing 0 in the past hour as well. I think they are on to us!

  6. I'm not really commenting here in protest of heavy election day internet traffic.

    Site meter is correct; stop with all your paranoia...lol they are out to get you after all..

  7. I'm getting my usual 3-hits per hour...

  8. I don't know... I may not be here... lemme check... nope, I am like most votes tallied in Illinois ... I am not real...


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