Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Things that make you go "hmmm"

Half Sigma has a very interesting series of posts on how the Tea Party is a Marxist revolution against the bourgeois Democratic Party:

The Tea Party movement is accused of being right-wing, and people are accustomed to associating Marxism with the left, so some will be surprised, even shocked, that the Tea Party is a Marxist movement.

We should be clear that the Tea Party is not promoting Communism (an idea which turned out to be really bad), but rather that the Tea Party movement represents the rising class consciousness of the Proletariat, as predicted by Marx.

The modern left doesn’t promote the interests of the Proletariat; it’s the Lumpenproletariat that the left is most concerned about. The Democratic Party relies upon the Lumpenproletariat to win elections, and once elected uses the power of government to advance its own moral agenda which is adverse to the interests of the Proletariat.

Ignore the delicious irony of the Democrats being Class Oppressors and Enemies Of The People, there's a very, very interesting follow-up post here. Insty links to a typical WaPo chin tugger on the trouble that Labor is having lining up the troops this election cycle, and adds (in his brevity-is-the-soul-of-blogging way):
Despite Harold Meyerson’s spin in the Post, I don’t think the Democrats’ policies have been exactly attuned to the needs of the white working class ...
Translation: the proletariat.

Foseti is horrified at this, saying that this is not Marxist. Unqualified Reservations had a post (in 2007) analyzing this, and kind of says it is. Aretae sums up the a-pox-on-both-your-houses attitude:
Redoing a distinction:

  • The formalists, conservatives, and reactionaries tend to believe that the aristocracy is fit to lead, because god knows the intelligensia is not.
  • The modern liberal/progressive tends to believe that the intelligensia is fit to lead, because god knows the aristocracy was a disaster.
  • The libertarian agrees with both. Neither the intelligensia nor the aristocracy are fit to lead. Both screw things up 97 times out of 100. Devolve authority.
It's clear that the Democratic Party is contemptuous of the working class, and this is a big part of why I haven not been a Democrat for years. They're all about the Underclass, Racial/Identity Grouping (Blacks, Hispanics, and Women; not Asians or poor Whites), and the Government/University/Public Sector Unions representing left-wing Intellectual SWPL, sucking the surplus generated by the Proletariat they despise.

This explains the entirety of Palin Derangement Syndrome, as she represents them against the Ruling Class in a way that no other American politician can claim.

I think that there's more than a little to the idea of a proletarian reaction, and discussed the immiseration of the masses by the Ruling Class State here. There's an inherent contradiction to the Democrat - and to be honest, the Republican - governing philosophy, and that is what's driving the revolution.

And if you haven't read this at ChicagoBoyz, your really should. Hmmmm, indeed.

UPDATE 1 September 2010 15:08: It seems I'm a bad Marxist (in the classical sense), not providing numbers demonstrating immiseration.


  1. "It seems I'm a bad Marxist (in the classical sense)"

    I must be a Groucho Marxist...

  2. I once voted for a man in my pajamas. What he was doing in my pajamas, I'll never know.

    Thanks for the smart.



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