Sunday, August 15, 2010

To the EU Ambassador: don't call us, we'll call you

The new EU Ambassador to the US says that we should talk to him, rather than to the member nation's Ambassadors:

Joao Vale de Almeida was this week formally installed as the EU's ambassador to the US, and suggested that American officials should regard him as their first point of contact for transatlantic discussions.

He is the first EU ambassador to be appointed after the controversial Lisbon Treaty gave the EU sweeping new powers.

The new ambassador claimed to now be "leading the show" among European representatives in Washington.


How to make this clear to Ambassador Vale de Almeida? The member nations are actually, you know, nations. With real governments, which exercise real powers, which power was (mostly) granted to them by the people in (mostly) free and fair elections.

As opposed to the EU, which has ignored multiple "No" vote referenda, and whose power resides in an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy. Get those fixed, and maybe we'll talk.

What's that? "Unelected" and "Unaccountable" are the point? Thanks, we'll call the member nations.


  1. How many divisions has the EU?

  2. It seems that the various nations keep having referendums (Referendi?) on forming the EU, each gets voted down, and a little later they have another one, hoping that either the populace will forget that they already said they didn't like what was being sold, or hoping that all the no-votes will either forget there's a referendum or will get tired of saying no. Hardly an approach for getting the support of the population, but apart from the vote they don't care about public support. Wasn't there a party in Germany about 80 years ago that had the same attitude towards public support for its policies?


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