Monday, August 16, 2010


We are implementing our drang nach suden strategy, gearing up to move from Yankeeland back south. Chez Borepatch goes on the market tomorrow (the sign is already out front, at the edge of the secure perimeter).

The place looks pretty dang good. That's because we've more or less killed ourselves making repairs, painting, polishing, getting rid of junk, and everything that goes along with staging our invasion return.

Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we'll sell it before the first snow. Wish us luck.


  1. Good luck Ted. That's a tough experience (speaking from experience.)

    Best wishes!

  2. wow... first Lissa, now you...

    How far south are you going?


  3. Any where's better than the northeast coast, in this westerner's opinion. Here's to a happy move!

  4. Good luck with the sale ...may it be timely, the move easy, and the future an easy transition for all of you!!

  5. Thanks for the well wishes, all.

    @TBG, we're heading back to Atlanta. We moved up here from there in 2002. So not as far south as you.

    Maybe we can organize a SouthEast Blogshoot?

  6. As with Lissa and Mike, I'm happy for you, Mrs. Borepatch and sons #1 and #2, while I'm sad for me and the rest of the Northeast bunch.

    Good luck selling the house and moving away down south in Dixie.

  7. Darn it to heck...

    OBVIOUSLY I'm happy that you're escaping, but sad to see yet another friend move away...

    Let me know before you leave, okay? I think we can have a Blogshoot or at least a Blogdinner in your honor before the long trek S...

  8. Er, uh. (Considers state of the market.) Um. Good luck with that. No. Really.


    TW: relpduck. No connection to the post, just a funny Turing word.

  9. Well, good luck, 'cept I echo TOT & Jay's comments above.

    I believe you & #2 son were the originators of the NEBS stuffed critter shoot/stab- now whatta we gonna do????

  10. Good luck, sir and ma'am!!! We can now trade stories of those silly southern rubes who don't know the amount of sugar that goes into iced tea. :)

  11. Bummer. But I say I can't blame you.

    Lucky for us we have the internet, which transends time and space. And keeps good men and women in touch.

    The Missus sold her house in NY last year. Took 10 months. Price it right, and I hope yours sells quick.

  12. Congrats and good luck! Someday I will get out of here and move south. . .

  13. That's awesome, BP! Southeast blogger shoot!!!!!

  14. Good luck! I hope all goes well. And a Southeast blogger shoot would be great!

  15. Wow.
    Good luck!

    Hope all goes as you desire and you can sell, not when or if, but SOON!!

  16. Aw, GREAT for you and yours, BP!

    On the other hand, damn. I was hoping you'd be coming about 1,000 miles to the west. ;-)

  17. May your evacuation be swift!

  18. Good luck to you. Hoping it sells quickly.

    We put our house up for sale in late 08 in NW Ohio. Still for sale now.

    We went ahead and moved anyways. Have a renter in it, but that screws with all sorts of stuff, as we are now in the "real estate business" and that creates all sorts of headaches.


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