Sunday, August 1, 2010

New England Blogshoot After Action Report

You can never have too many friends!
- Hello Kitty
Especially in a bayonet charge!
- Borepatch
Well, that was fun. The 3rd Annual New England Blogshoot convened at the Sooper Sekret™ location, courtesy of the uber organizational skills of JayG and Doubletrouble. The weather was perfect, with a delightful mix of cool temperatures, partial sun, and intermittent clouds of cordite smoke. We had a special guest:

Hello Kitty came out to hang around with us. Seems that nobody had mentioned that the place to hang out was at the end of the firing range:

Last year's episode with Pikachu
was repeated. The exit wounds drove so many threads into the backstop that Hello Kitty was literally stuck to it.

That did make it convenient later on, as she couldn't get away from the bayonet charge:

That's #2 Son leading the largest ever group of New England gunbloggers in a spirited charge. Last year and the year before it was just him. Now he was joined by three others. This being New England, the "Rebel Yell" was pretty feeble, but we witnessed an enthusiastic display of cold steel.

It's always fun to get together In Real Life with folks that you know from Teh Intarwebz, and when you toss in enough firearms to invade Canada, it becomes pretty special. Thank you to JayG and Doubletrouble for getting this set up, and to all the gunbloggers who shared their firearms, knowledge, and time especially with #2 Son.


  1. Sounds like an Awesome time :) I don't think they'd let me have a bayonet charge at my usual range.

  2. This post has been sent world wide to "Hello Kitty" Fan Club members.

    If happen to think those socialist liberals mucking up everything were scary....Let me just say "You ain't seen nothing Yet"........

  3. Ted,

    You are entirely welcome. I am gratified to hear that you, #2 son, and the lovely and ____ Mrs. Borepatch had a good time.

    Planning for the bloggershoot is a fair amount of work.

    Lugging the damn guns & ammo around is even more... ;)


    Thought you might see the humor in this one...

  5. sorry link goes no where..

    it's on "Bruce Dean Hart" wall on FACEBOOK

  6. Stan, I can't seem to view his wall. :-(

  7. Do a facebook search for Borepatch, his wall is @ top of related


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