Saturday, August 7, 2010

I can now be a Grumpy Old Fart

"Now?" I hear you mutter. Don't think I didn't hear that ...

I have a big post that - for once - I quite like. Usually I'm ambivalent, but you seem to like them. Since I like this, I expect you'll like it less (Murphy's Law). But it's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and Sitemeter tells me that it's beautiful where you are, and so I'll post it Monday.

Besides, it's by birthday, so I actually am a grumpy old fart, in a very real and legally binding sense. So I'm heading off with Clan Borepatch to enjoy the day. But I'd like to wish many happy returns of the day to all y'all, anyway!


  1. Happy Birthday, Borepatch. Mine's on Monday....

  2. Happy Birthday Borepatch!!!

    Wow, today's a big day for birthdays.

    Baby Girl G.'s godfather's birthday is today as well...

    WV: Not kidding, it's "sissi"...

  3. Happy Birthday from another Leo, mine's Thursday.

  4. Grumpy?
    And there is something wrong with being grumpy????
    Happy Birthday!!

    I am an expert on grumpy just ask my family!!!

  5. Happy Birthday, Borepatch! Just like a finely aged cheese... scrape off a lil' mold and you're good to go :)

  6. Happy Birthday - and may there be many, many more... if only to really piss off your naysayers!

  7. Happy Birthday! The grumpy part is optional while the other is a matter of perspective (or distance) - my dad still calls me a kid!

  8. Happy birfday to ewe... happy... well you get the idea :-)

  9. Happy Birthday Grumpy Old the way, we knew you were one all along, but were trying to be nice and not get you all worked up in a

    I hoped you checked the smoke detectors and your fire extinguisher before lighting all those candles.

  10. Happy Birthday. You're not that old, and no where near as grumpy as I am.

  11. Birthday wishes your way, good sir.

    Grumpy? Hell, at least you haven't reached the curmudgeon stage.

    That's where the money is.

  12. Happy BDay and here's to many more. Cheers.

  13. Happy birthday BP. I'd tease you about your age but I'm pretty sure I'm older than you so I'll just shut up now.

  14. Happy Birthday, Borepatch! Hope the lovely Mrs. Borepatch put on the fancy heels for you :)

  15. Happy Birthday! as you can see I'm a day late cause I showed up when "cake" was announced in the blog title. Hope you had a great one, you as old as the rest of us now? lol


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