Monday, August 2, 2010

Blogroll Additions

It's been a while since I've updated things, so there are a few new names here.

Salamander over at Armed and Amphibious is another guy into guns and country music. My sort of guy, actually. He also dabbles in the field of Security Kabuki every now and then, for example in his post about how American Airlines lost the Israeli Prime Minister's bodyguard's guns. Oops.

God, Guns, and Grits is pretty self explanatory. He serves up some nice Gun Pr0n, with the occasional side of NASCAR jokes. If that's your bag, baby, you should check it out.

Al Fin brings Teh Smart, and very smart it is. It was surprising and a bit humbling to find myself blogrolled over there - that list of his has some pretty respectable brainpower on it. I shall endeavour to step my game up a notch. You'll pick up more than a couple IQ points reading him regularly.

One change is that Gator has a new site for A Gator in the Desert. You'll want to update your bookmarks.

Welcome to the blogroll, everyone! And a quick note to anyone who has been kind enough to blogroll me: if I haven't added you here, it's because I'm a little oblivious and haven't noticed. Shoot me an email to borepatch at gmail dot com or leave a comment, and I'll add you.


  1. I'm not sure how to take seeing "blogs I read" and then "Reciprocal Blogroll" and then seeing me in the later.. :)

    Ah heck, I'll take it! Just glad to be on the roll I guess.

    And thanks for mentioning "Al Fin". I'm checking them out. I could use some more IQ points.

  2. Thanks for the updated linkage.


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