Saturday, July 24, 2010

We're not in Kansas Massachusetts anymore, Toto

Boy, there are a lot of anti-Obama billboards here. Plus Gander Mountain. And no snowplows to be seen.

12 hours from Baltimore, via the Shenandoah valley. I'd never gone that way, and all I can say is that it sure is prettier than the spaghetti junction that is the Washington D.C. beltway in Springfield.

#1 Son drove a lot. Getting all growed up, that one is.


  1. In MT I live in the Bluest part of the state (old mining town, tons of Union history and influence), but MT is thought of usually as more of a red state. In CO I live in the Reddest part of the state (Western CO and Eastern Utah need to get together and secede, dagnabit!), but CO has been moving more towards a Blue State stereotype. It's kinda fun to move back and forth and see how much is different between the two.

  2. Did you snap some pictures of those billboards for us?

    Hope your enjoying your road trip Borepatch.

  3. We stopped going through DC years ago. That trip is beautiful. Have a great time!

  4. Yes, want pics! Can't wait to see him crash and burn in Nov!

  5. Are you going along the western edge of VA? Along Route 11 or the Interstate? Either way, it's beautiful out there.


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