Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today's must-read

Is brought to you courtesy of the Czar of Muscovy, who visits a school in one of Chicago's poor neighborhoods:
Lest you be uncertain: the Czar believes entirely in Dr. King’s awesome goal. The Czar believes that blacks are real people, like anyone else. No better, no worse. No greater, no weaker. That it is up to the individual to recognize his or her own strengths, and use them to his or her own advantage. But this school immerses students in a dismal mixed message that they are victims, and that despite all their faults, they might just become incredibly wealthy. And that is a crime, right out of the leftist make-them-dependent-on-you playbook.

But hold on. There is hope.
That's the part you expect. The part that you don't expect - and which is amazing in its mixing of hope, inspiration, and despair - you'll have to go read it all for that. It's worth the journey.

Oh, and I think I can answer the question on the blackboard, but I'm not sure.

1 comment:

  1. How VERY interesting. I hope that speaker was the principal or superintendent and preaches that message on a daily basis.


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