Monday, July 5, 2010

Quote of the Day

On the Second Amendment, and why liberals should support it:

This is an appeal to every liberal who says, "I just don't like guns."

This is an appeal to every liberal who says, "No one needs that much ammunition."

This is an appeal to every liberal who says, "That's not what the Founders meant."

This is an appeal to every liberal who supports the ACLU.

This is an appeal to every liberal who has complained about the Bush Administration's trading of our civil liberties for the illusion of greater security. (I believe I’ve seen a T-shirt or two about Benjamin Franklin’s thoughts on that.)

This is an appeal to every liberal who believes in fighting against the abuses of government, against the infringement of our civil liberties, and for the greater expansion of our rights.

This is an appeal to every liberal who never wants to lose another election to Republicans because they have successfully persuaded the voters that Democrats will not protect their Second Amendment rights.

This is an appeal to liberals, not merely to tolerate the Second Amendment, but to embrace it. To love it and defend it and guard it as carefully as you do all the others.

Because we are liberals. And fighting for our rights -- for all of our rights, for all people -- is what we do.

Because we are revolutionaries.

This is an echo from an older era, from a time when I was not ashamed to call myself a liberal. Back when we trusted the People.

This is at Daily Kos. Most of the posts I tag Intellectual Left are sneering at its hypocrisy. Not this. RTWT.


  1. DailyKos has something that's worth reading?

    Isn't that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

  2. I wonder what their hate mail for this one will look like.


  3. That was... almost refreshing. And then I started reading the comments and it rapidly descended into your typical "Right wing hate mongers shouldn't have guns" arguments.

  4. How much is "too much ammunition"???

    Like 150,000 rounds? Gotta plan ahead...

  5. What wolfwalker said.

    With additional emphasis and question marks.

  6. It's time and past time for the left to come to terms with it's hypocracy on this issue. Is it too much for me to hope that this is a sign?


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