Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One small step for man ...

A strange thing is memory, and hope; one looks backward, and the other forward; one is of today, the other of tomorrow. Memory is history recorded in our brain, memory is a painter, it paints pictures of the past and of the day.
- Grandma Moses
Nobody I know does memory - and sometimes hope - like ASM826 from Random Acts of Patriotism. I do believe that in some ways, he's my identical twin, separated at birth.

Only better looking, and smarter. And for sure a better writer about today's anniversary of the Moon Landing:
I was twelve. On vacation with my parents, I got to watch the lunar landing and the first walk on the moon on a big RCA console television. The future never seemed brighter than it did that evening.

I was going to to the moon one day, and maybe to Mars. The United States of America was the greatest country on earth and we were capable of amazing scientific and technological accomplishments. Certainly by the time I was thirty, there would be a permanent base on the moon, and regular transports...
Go read it all. Right. Now. Man, I wish I could write like him. A picture is worth a thousand words. I give you a couple thousand words, he give you a mental painting. Oh, foo.

But at least I give you some Redneck country music. This is fun, and it's about old memories (and it has Tim McGraw in a tank top, so you ladies especially want to watch*).

That's he gave you what needed to be said to NASA today. J'accuse.

But I sure wish I could write like that. I'm told that envy is a sin. Bless me Father, for I have sinned.

* Yes, I'm trolling for hits. Why did you have to ask?


  1. I might be smarter, but I doubt it. Thanks for the kind words about my scribblings. Come and visit, the range awaits.

  2. What happened to the daily pics of Mrs.Borepatch while she's gone? or some pics of the burnt spam burgers you're making for dinner? LOL

  3. If I recall correctly, Grandma Moses didn't start painting until she was 70, and lived till 101. I quote her a lot to people who feel it's too late to start a new hobby.


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