Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My journey to the Dark Side is complete

You are 0% hippie.

Ok, you conservative soul. Do you even believe in global warming? Loosen that necktie a little, and try some organic food. It actually does taste better. And go to a farmer's market--they're fun.

Are you a hippie?
Take More Quizzes

Although I'm not a conservative. The 0% hippie is about right, though. And I'm a bit skeptical about that Global Warming thing.

Hat tip: Alan.


  1. Finally someone else scored as bad as me. However I do not belive in global warming

  2. Thanks, Borepatch. Today's a good day for time wasting, so had to go take that.

    0% hippie. Did you take the (awkwardly named) "What Be Your Nerd Type"?

  3. I got about 20% hippie, but I'm pretty sure the hippie-ish things I do are because I am a cheapskate, not a hippie.

  4. I keep saying this, but I have a sneaking suspicion I would be zero if I was older. I got 5%.

    And my word verification is Promeme. Not joking at all.

  5. Come on Borepatch, I'm sure deep within you there is a .001% Part just screaming to throw on a tie dye t-shirt and run around a grateful dead concert breathing the surrounding smoke filled aroma

  6. Heh.
    I thing Sevesteen got it right.
    I came up 15%, but I'm a cheap bastarge & we HAVE to recycle our stuff to bring to the dump...excuse me, "recycling center".

  7. 17% - but there were a couple of questions that didn't have the "right" answers for me.

    Such as the "how do you get around" question. A Harley-Davidson wasn't one of the available answers.

    So, I compromised.

    BTW: "alcohol only" - Jack Daniel's, to be sure!

  8. Man, I almost feel like breaking out the tie dye...I got 27%, which puts me above everyone else so far. It would have likely been much worse if they asked about solely female stuff.


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