Thursday, July 29, 2010


#1 Son and I are now safely back inside the Chez Borepatch secure perimeter.

13 hours from North Carolina was a long haul. We managed to time it to miss the New York City rush hour, but landed bang in the middle of the Stamford, CT rush hour.

But it's always a good trip when you're going home.


  1. Butta?!

    We need to get the details on THAT, my friend...


    Twitter, srysly?

    It put your name up there in the clear, too.

  3. After 30+ years of construction, Rt. 95 in CT is still in no way close to complete. We need to get the mob in there to make things more efficient, like the RI govt. of the 90's.
    I spent 5 1/2 hours going between the George Washington Bridge and the MA border on Sunday afternoon. On Wednesday, I left Boston at 1am, and by 5am, I was in NJ, well past Newark. Driving at night is the only way to fly down around NY.


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