Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What do Democrats think of Obama's speech?

President Obama gave a speech to the nation about the Gulf oil spill last night. It's been widely panned in the blogosphere, and even by normally friendly talking heads like Keith Olbermann. So who do Democrats think? We actually know - it was predicted two years ago.

My take (from 8 months ago) is here.


  1. I could hear the red phone ringing, I sat up in bed and decided to pick it up, and there was nothing but hard breathing and some noisy static on the other end; I'm pretty those damned Russians had launched everything they still have including a few used dynamite filled 1972 Yugo's.

    Now, knowing all to well their commie loving ever so nasty sense of humor lol....

    I could have actually responded in kind, but with my new policy to not take any action until it's far to late; I went back to bed and sleep like a baby until some where around noon.


    Your comrade and premiere

  2. BP,
    Your reference to Britnoth is all to appropriate.

    Roddam,is a Northumbrian surname.


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