Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mystery Science Theater rides again

If you like snark, you like Mystery Science Theater 3000, where a guy and his two robots add their own wisecracky dialog to some really bad old movies.

Here Chez Borepatch, we're all big fans.

Have you ever wondered how cool it would be to have MST3K for bad new movies? Like Dances with Aliens Avarar?


RiffTrax is the new and improved MST3K, by the same folks who did the original. Same snarky dialog, but for new movies: The Matrix, Road House, Twilight: New Moon, and yes, Avatar.

They also have Plan 9 From Outer Space. Be still my beating heart.

A couple things you need to know:

1. Their web site is the Web 2.0 version of Plan 9 From Outer Space. With the movie, clearly there was someone who knew how to run a camera and yell "cut", but the outcome was (ahem) memorable. Same with the web site.

2. You watch on your PC. What you get is a soundtrack that gets synchronized with the DVD you already own/rent/check out from the library. They have a Player you can download that will play the DVD with their sound track. #1 Son figured out how to add their soundtrack to a DVD he ripped, and then burned it back to DVD for the Home Theater system. The Matrix, on big screen, in surround, with added snark. His rates are cheap.

If you like snark, then this is wat you'll like.


  1. Yeah, the technical level required is enough to stymie me if I'm just casual about making it work. Shame, too.

  2. I ask if there are robotic puppet outlines in the foreground?

  3. I'm a huge Rifftrax fan, been hounding it from its beginning. I'd like to point out that you do NOT have to watch on your PC at all. I still do it the easiest way possible: Download the MP3, burn it to a CD, fire up a boombox with the CD and pop the movie in, synch the two according to Mike's instructions and bingo - laughing my butt off in 5 minutes.

  4. Been riding again at my house because it appears Netflix has added near the entire catalog to the instant view!


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