Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A definition

From the indispensable Devil's Dictionary:
POLITICIAN, n. An eel in the fundamental mud upon which the superstructure of organized society is reared. When he wriggles he mistakes the agitation of his tail for the trembling of the edifice. As compared with the statesman, he suffers the disadvantage of being alive.
If you've read the last post and haven't clicked through please do so. And then contact the Governor of Washington. Just remember that he's she's a politician. Unless he's she's quite a different sort than the usual, remember John Randolph's words:
He is a man of splendid abilities but utterly corrupt. He shines and stinks like rotten mackerel by moonlight.

God save this Honorable Republic.

UPDATE 30 June 2010 23:26: It seems the Governor is a lady. We'll see if it makes a damn bit of difference. And the obligatory Aerosmith for occasions like this:

Thanks to Goldwater's Ghost for pointing out the error.


  1. Minor correction, but the governor of WA, Christine Gregoire, is a woman.

  2. Parent who has been thereJuly 1, 2010 at 11:53 AM

    It should make a difference, one would think, because the Governor is a mother.

    I asked if the Governor ever toured the state institution apparently she hasn't, she also never responded to any emails or letters ever sent to her from myself, I always got the canned political answers letters from the people "under her", in the DSHS system. Writing the Governor IS effective for that reason, though.

    Because the letters ARE received and processed through to different departments. My letters were on the table at team meetings several times, and of course that makes the teams super sit up straight and fold your hands, and act "good" in appearance, but still, nothing would get done unless we continually harped at them.

    I hope people write letters for Emily, she's in a crappy situation, one that I've seen over and over again, and am gladly out of now, at an enormous emotional cost.

    Write to the Governor, and demand a reply from her office. Better yet, ask her to take an unannounced tour of that place. No house cleaning allowed before she walks in the front doors!


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