Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blogroll Additions

The Daily Bayonet is a regular read, and often linked to here. "Skewering the clueless since 2006" is no joke with his repeated evisceration of climate change stupidity. The latest example is the much publicized cost of the Cap and Trade bill:
  1. Why pay an extra $146 for programs that will do nothing at all about ‘climate’, and
  2. When exactly did any government ever accurately assess costs? Take that $146 estimate and double it. At least.
Other than wildly underestimated costs for a program that will do precisely bupkis for the environment, it's a model of good governance.

Newbius saw the brouhaha over the NRA and the idiotic and unconstitutional DISCLOSE act, and unlike me, he didn't gripe about it. He called them to ask whiskey tango foxtrot:
I sat through the talking points message, then held for a live person. After registering my view with them opposing their position (as self-serving and wrong), and urging them to score this vote like they would any gun legislation (regardless of their self-serving carve-out), I asked the rep if NRA would be changing their position. She said "yes" and that there would be an announcement. They are supposed to have a press release out shortly about it.
That right there is a nice bit of citizen journalism.

A Dixie Carpetbagger is an outstanding name for a blog by another history loving IT geek. He serves up an eclectic mix of shooty goodness, goofy stuff, and odd things from history. If he adds Internet Security, I may be out of a job here ...

Welcome to the blogroll, everyone. And the usual note: if anyone has blogrolled me and I haven't added you here, leave a comment or email me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the add, sir. No worries on me doing much Internet security stuff-- I co-owned a computer repair/ networking shop for two years, and people are (apparently) still handing my cards around. (chuckle)


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