Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blogroll Additions

Mycroft Holmes 4 describes himself as an "engineer disturbed by the lack of rational thought in modern society." Can't really argue with that. He writes about movies he's seen, pointing out lack of rational thought - like in the new Robin Hood flick:

First, Robin the archer deserts his post with the other archers in order to charge into battle waving a warhammer. He’s joined by Marion (in custom armor, no less) who is now an expert swordswoman. She’s followed by a group of lost boys on small horses. Then Robin the archer goes toe-to-toe with Godfrey using a sword.

Not to mention the horrible shaky-cam (complete with close-ups) during the Saving Private Ryan style French landing. Ridley Scott is renowned for his directing style in movies like Alien, Bladerunner and Gladiator. Watching the Saving Private Ryan ripoff, all I could wonder is what the hell happened?

So much for that, then. I'm with him about the whole "rational thought" thing, and get all distracted by this sort of Hollywood silliness.

A Geek with Guns is, well a geek with guns:

I’m a self proclaimed geek, a stereotypical one at that. I like dinking with computers, watching and reading science fiction, and getting into long arguments about why operation system X is better then Y.

I’m also a huge gun nut.
None of that here (cough! Ubuntu Linux! cough!) ...

You really should check out his post on the awesomest guitar evar (spoiler alert: AK-47 is involved) which is, well, the awesomest guitar evar.

Welcome to the blogroll, folks! If anyone out there has been kind enough to blogroll me, but I haven't reciprocated, please leave a comment or shoot me an email.

1 comment:

  1. I shoot with Mycroft fairly often. He and his wife are good folks (she likes the wheel gun) and their youngest is now learning the art of the pistol.

    Good choice for your blogroll. I'm lucky to have him as a friend.


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