Friday, June 25, 2010

Another lap around the sun

This blog has now entered the Terrible Twos, having completed another year of free Internet blather.

I've noticed that the number of posts I make is pretty seriously lower than the first year, but the posts are getting longer. In mathematics jargon, the question is whether the posts converge on zero or on infinity*.

Two things are noticeable to me, looking back and comparing to the first year. First, a definite "Planet Borepatch" style has emerged, for example comparing President Obama to King Ethelred the Unready. These started as a nobody-is-going-to-go-for-this-sort-of-thing sort of thing, but the comments keep encouraging me to do more. So blame yourselves, my hands are clean ...

Second, it's become really clear that sometime the Muse comes and shacks up here for a while, and posts just pop from the keyboard. Sometimes she splits to Destin or Lauderdale or somewhere, and I got bupkis for all y'all. I guess you have to write some to get up close and personal with the concept of writer's block.

But it was kind of cool to have one of my posts go all Internet Viral-y (in a little way). And it was pretty cool when Steven den Beste dropped by to leave a comment (obligatory fanboi sqweee!).

Thanks to all who stop by regularly. I do this for me, but it's awfully nice to see that you guys think it's worth the click.

* The posts aren't infinitely long (yet), they only seem that way.


  1. Borepatch, just keep 'em coming at their natural rate. This blog is one of the principal stops of my day, and I've very nearly levelled up because of it. Thank you, most sincerely!

  2. Just do your thing man. It's all good.

  3. This blog has now entered the Terrible Twos,

    As long as there will be no dropping to the ground in a tantrum, kicking your feet and screaming at the top of your lungs when we're in the Walmart, everything will be OK. :)

    This is one of my favorite places to visit on the days when I have enough time squeeze in some internet wandering. Thanks for the effort you put in to it!

  4. Awesome, simply awesome. My little blogman is all growed up.


    They grow up so fast...

  5. Congrats, Borepatch!!! You deserve every link and hit of crack -- er, COMMENT -- that comes your way!!!

  6. Just like a blogger to pass the blame on to the readership. Are you going to change the name of this blog to the New York Times

    Anywho, Happy Blogiversery

    As recommended by your AARP sponsor, try to stay regular, and always eat a high fiber diet.....

  7. W00t! Congratulations.
    Just keep doing what you're doing.

  8. You know I'll show up to read any post that has cake photos attached!


  9. Heh. Stan seems to be the only one who's see through me ...

    And Stephany points out the secret to successful blogging!

    Thanks, everyone.

  10. Top 'o my list too.

    A smaht, entertaining, educational, & helpful place you got here.

    As I've always said- one of the best.

    Many more...

  11. These started as a nobody-is-going-to-go-for-this-sort-of-thing sort of thing, but the comments keep encouraging me to do more. So blame yourselves, my hands are clean ...

    This is known as "the rule of kinks." If you ever think to yourself "there's no way *anybody* else likes this," then it's certain that many people do.

    Here's to your first two years, and many more!

  12. yep, successful blog title example:

    "i wish for whirled peas of course you could do a total Borepatch post about whired peas with bacon. LOL

  13. Congratulations BP and here's to many, many more. Heck, I'm smarter just for associating with you.


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