Monday, May 24, 2010

The Executive VP of Zombies

... has sent you a memo. Set to music.

And since we're in our Annual Planning Cycle, have you updated your Zombie Plan?

Planning and communication through proper channels. It's not just a good idea, people, it's corproate culture.

Via #2 Son.


  1. So... What's your plan? Or are you going to be like Simmons and not share?

  2. Oh great, now I'm going have the chorus stuck in my head all day. Now pardon I while I go eat some brains. I mean mow the lawn, yeah thats it.


  3. bluesun, it's classified. I'm in Massachusetts, so I'm surrounded by liberal zombies. ;-)

  4. I've gotta say, if you have the chance to see Jonathan Coulton (the apparently uncredited writer and performer of <a href=">RE: Your Brains</a>) in concert you should do it. He's got a great stage presence and really knows how to work a crowd. Plus, all his music is awesome.


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