Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cat 3, Mice 0

Crash the house cat (we just couldn't stick with the new name, "Ghost") seems to be a good mouser. As the Buddha would say, he has the cat nature.

Since I'd much rather have a house cat than house mice, the situation is entirely satisfactory.


  1. (cue the complaints from PETA in three... two... one...)


  2. Heh..."Crash" is a good name for that one, judging by the picture at least.

  3. Ah, yeah. I had suggested crash in the poll because I've known cats that liked to knock my mom's china off the cabinets.

    I forgot all about the sleepy definition of 'crash'.

  4. My grandmother had a housecat that was taken in as a stray who took it as a personal affront whenever a mouse or signs of a mouse were discovered in the house. She would not rest until she killed that mouse and presented it to my grandma. She was a good cat.

    Looks like you've got a good one there too.


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