Sunday, March 28, 2010

That's one impressive "science" lesson, Scooter

Perhaps it was a lesson in the "science" of instilling fear in 11 year olds?
Schoolchildren were left in tears after seeing one of their teachers shot down by a crazed gunman in the playground in a role-playing stunt organised by staff.


The youngsters, aged between 10 and 13, thought they were taking part in a fire drill when an alarm bell rang and they were ushered out into the playground.


Head teacher Terry Holland said: "The role play was part of a science lesson where a selection of students and teachers acted out this scenario."
The Headmaster goes on to explain that the idea was "original" (err, no argument there, Einstein) and might have "gone a bit too far" (no argument there, either). And the UK has the nerve to call us dumb rednecks?

I'd call them idiots, but that would be an insult to actual, you know, idiots.

Hat tip: Every Day, No Days Off.


  1. Good lord! I guess it's all a part of preparing them for what Life will be like when burglars and such are no longer incarcerated under the advice of the Lord Chief Justice.

  2. The Headmaster is a raving twit. What do they do for rape prevention?

  3. And if they were training them, why didn't they have the students rush the shooter and take him down?

  4. ASM - Because they were training them.



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