Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jamie Oliver is a Euro-toad

Ouch. And ouch again.

Regular readers know how little patience I have with "the better class" putting on airs - particularly when it's Europeans talking down to us colonials. Man, that right there's gonna leave a mark.

I even like your shows, and I think that there's a lot more where that came from. Now go away, or we shall taunt you a second third time.


  1. I even like your shows, and I think that there's a lot more where that came from.

    In the sense that you expect more of the same from Oliver, or in the sense that there are plenty of other cooks on TV to watch?


  2. Thanks as always for the linkage. I noticed yesterday afternoon that Oliver has been given a an audience (I think Friday, but don't hold me to it) with America's version of royalty: Oprah.

  3. Interesting, Bob, I wonder if Oliver will point out that Oprah could stand to loose a little junk from her trunk...

  4. Jim -

    I liked his first show (The Naked Chef), because he usually did quite simple, basic, but very tasty dishes. I made more than a couple, to some acclaim at Chez Borepatch.

    He's always been annoying, but he's got some recipes and techniques worth stealing.


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