Monday, March 15, 2010

Democrats lie

As a former Democrat, it's sad to have to write this. Joe Huffman lays it all out on Gun Control (and let's face it, that's not a Republican issue).

Ah, you might say - there's Bourgeois truth, and there's Revolutionary truth. Bourgeois truth is simply an unconnected collection of sterile facts - like Joe's evisceration of gun controller's claims. Revolutionary truth is that which advances the cause of Revolutionary Progressivism.

You might call them lies, although they're lies in the service of a particular political end. "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy" is one. "The planet is undergoing rapid, unprecedented, and catastrophic warming" is another. "Gun control saves lives" is another.

There's a massive trust deficit in this nation, where the people simply do not believe what they're told by the Political Class.


  1. You've picked the wrong term. It's not a trust deficit; that implies that there should be trust in what the political class is telling the people, when clearly that's not the case.

    There's a truth deficit.

  2. "(and let's face it, that's not a Republican issue)."

    I hear you, but will qualify my agreement a smidge; McCain was hardly a steller 2nd Amendment advocate. George W. Bush was luke warm. In Illinois, our "Republicans" fib just as much as our "Democrats". Frankly, there are few politicians of either party I consider truthful on any given issue. "Trust" I do not have. Mark Kirk, the "Republican" running for Obama's old seat, is a gun control poster boy.

    "There's a massive trust deficit in this nation, where the people simply do not believe what they're told by the Political Class."

    I agree with you 100% there.

  3. "There's a massive trust deficit in this nation, where the people simply do not believe what they're told by the Political Class." That's because there's a massive honesty deficit in the Political Class.

    It's beyond simple mistrust, it's more like if the Political Class told me the sun was rising in the east tomorrow, I'd start looking for sunrise in the west. I'm expecting them to lie to me.

  4. Ooh, my brother (?) Trigger speaks the truth. We shouldn't trust the political class, since their very purpose seems to be to curtail our freedom.

  5. Gun control should never have been defined as anything except above average marksmanship. Only tyrants and naive utopians think gun control is a good idea.


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