Thursday, January 21, 2010

Quote of the Day

From Adam Shostack, on the Supreme's ruling that portions of McCain-Feingold are unconstitutional infringements on the first amendment:
I'm hopeful that soon the Supreme Court will recognize that people are people too, and have the same free speech rights as corporations.

Maybe, too, the Court will recognize that Congress may not limit the right of people to freely associate, and perhaps even pool their money in support of ideas or candidates they like.

Wow, maybe people will be able to keep and bear arms, and be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. Well, I can dream, can't I?


  1. Did you know, that just because my daughter (and anyone else)who has been involuntarily commited in Wa. St. loses all rights to gun ownership, including permits?

    Civil liberties and mental health system, another example of loss of rights due to psychiatric labels.

    The only way to get the right restored is via a judge who will decide for the person.

    They don't take away the right to own knives or machetes or fists....ya know?

    Just food for thought!

  2. Stephany, I did know this. I believe that it strictly applies to persons who have been institutionalized by Court Order (e.g. does not apply to Hollywood big shots who have what used to be called "nervous breakdowns").

    But as to knives (or rope, where there is concern over suicide), you're absolutely correct. Perhaps a permit for those nice Chef's knives?


  3. Yeah it's an interesting topic. Specifics here, is ITA (involuntary commit)at any locked psych unit, and that applies to several hospitals in my area, besides the "big house" where she's at now. Even if someone busted out (of character so to speak) and was ITA for 14 days.

    Unfortunately i hold such trivia always off the top of my head, what fun at a party, huh? lol


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