Friday, January 15, 2010

Climate Data: entirely untrustworthy

Pictures at 11 ...

This is part 4 out of a 5 part series, but IMHO the most important one to understand the Global Warming debate. Long time readers will recogn ize E. M. Smith from Chiefio, which I've linked several times.

In short, the climate data set has been manipulated to suppress cold temperatures and emphasize warm ones in recent years.

This is a very well done investigation. You can get all five parts here.

UPDATE 15 January 2010 12:55: Gah, their embed code doesn't seem to point to their server. Go take a look via this link.

UPDATE 15 January 2010 15:58: Here are the different segments:

Carbon Dioxide doesn't drive temperature.

Al Gore and the UN.

ZOMG we're all gonna die!!!! (or not).

ClimateGate comes to the US.

Summing up.

1 comment:

  1. There's also a Hungarian scientist who got frozen-out of the peer process AND who's come up with another analysis: (my interpretation) you can't "overpressure" atmospheric Co2 against the overwhelming abundance of terrestrial water - 333 million Cubic Miles of water.


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